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Premier Newport Beach Dental Care

At Dover Dental, we believe that one of the most important things you can do is keep up with your six-month checkups. We give you a comprehensive exam which includes X-rays so that we can get an idea of your overall oral health. You will have all the essential facts to be informed of your health and how we can further serve you. Our staff of dental care specialists can help prevent any problems from progressing.

We accept a variety of insurance plans, including Delta Dental and Cigna, to make your general dentistry visits convenient and affordable


pretty girl at dentist

General Dentistry Services

Our general dentistry services can include:

  • Comprehensive Exam
  • X-Rays
  • Professional Dental Cleaning
  • Tooth Colored Fillings

We provide very thorough examinations and treat each patient according to their individual needs. At no risk to you, you can make an appointment and have us take a look. Dr. Kate Sahafi will give you helpful feedback and recommendations to achieve your dental health goals. Call us today for a complimentary consultation or a second opinion at 949-548-0966!

Contact Us Today and We’ll Schedule Your Free Consultation!