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Insurance & Payment Options

At Dover Dental, we believe that quality dental care should be accessible and affordable for everyone. We accept a wide range of insurance plans, including Delta Dental and Cigna, to help our patients maximize their benefits while receiving top-tier dental care.

We Accept the Following Insurance Plans:

Delta Dental : As a Delta Dental provider, we help patients utilize their coverage for preventive, restorative, and major dental treatments.

Cigna Dental : Our office is in-network with Cigna, ensuring that our Cigna-insured patients receive the best possible benefits.

Other PPO Insurance Plans: We also accept most major PPO insurance plans. Contact our office to verify your coverage.

Maximizing Your Dental Benefits

We understand that navigating dental insurance can be confusing. Our knowledgeable team will assist you in understanding your coverage, filing insurance claims, and minimizing out-of-pocket expenses.

No Insurance? We Have Flexible Payment Options!

For patients without dental insurance, we offer:

In-House Dental Membership Plan: An affordable alternative for our cash-paying patients. Our in-house insurance includes routine cleanings, exams, and discounts on additional treatments without the hassle of traditional insurance. Contact us for details!

Affordable financing options through CareCredit and other third-party lenders.

In-office payment plans for certain treatments.

Cash, credit card, and HSA/FSA payments accepted.

Questions About Your Coverage?

If you have any questions about your insurance benefits, in-house dental plan, or payment options, our team is happy to assist you. Call us at 949-548-0966  to learn more about how we can help you receive the dental care you need.