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The Dover Dental Difference

Established Since 2004

Newport Beach Dentist

Dover Dental is a premier private dental practice in Newport Beach, dedicated to providing high-quality, convenient, and affordable care. Led by Dr. Kate Sahafi, our experienced team offers same-day porcelain crowns, 3D-printed restorations, and in-house specialists—eliminating the need for multiple office visits. We also provide in-house dental insurance for cash patients, ensuring accessible, cost-effective treatment. At Dover Dental, we respect your time and budget, making dental care seamless and stress-free. Skip the excessive paperwork and get the care you need, all in one place. Call 949-548-0966 today for a free consultation and experience exceptional dentistry in Newport Beach!

Dental Acupuncture
Gum Therapy
Sleep Apnea

Superior Specialists in Our Office

Our oral surgeon, endodontist, and periodontist, all have stellar reputations with years of experience. At Dover Dental, we strive to provide our patients with the latest advancements in the field of general and cosmetic dentistry and are committed to delivering superior service to every patient.

In-House Insurance

With in-house insurance for our cash patients, we are able to offer you outstanding dental care that is affordable. This is just one way that we strive to do our best to accommodate everyone who needs a dentist. Our professionalism will ensure that once you are in our hands, you will be taken care of. We respect your time and money and we will make sure that you are entirely and completely satisfied.

Full-Service Dentistry With Experienced Specialists

We are very proud to be able to offer you full-service dentistry all in one place, free consultations with no risk to you, in-house insurance for our cash patients, and the very best dental specialists are in-house so you don’t need to go anywhere else. Our offices utilize state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to make sure that you are receiving the best possible level of care. These high-quality tools and practices allow us to be able to fabricate and adjust many necessary components. Call us now at 949-548-0966 to learn more about how we can help you with a free consultation.

Dover Dental

355 Placentia Ave, Ste 300,
Newport Beach, CA, 92663.


Hours of Operation
Mon: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tue: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wed: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thu: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Fri: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

355 Placentia Ave ste 300, Newport Beach, CA 92663, USA